

All started out there, on the road, experiencing what the world had to offer - creativity in its purest form. Ever since then, the spirit of forward motion has been ingrained in what Polspotten does: Worldly in expression, daring in construction, and at no time bothered by conventions. Polspotten's creations take interiors to unexpected places, bring them to life, and make them play. Brand dedicates itself to the ethos of play. Polspotten explores with enthusiasm, designs with humour, and creates with the curiosity of a lifelong learner, and most importantly, the brand respects and nurtures its greatest asset - the creative instinct. The best play is yet to come, and when it does, it will come from within. While following the game of adulting with rules written by someone else, ironically some might forget the magic of play. Play is essential for human development - it gives rise to imagination and fuels creativity.

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